Without the third shot, you’re the same “murderer” you were before the first two. Think of it this way, “Three is one, and two is none until the fourth shot is mandated.”
The goal is …
Immunity by Subscription
“Immunity can only be granted or denied by state-sanctioned injections,” commented Reh Bell, Sun Staff reporter.
“People have to understand that immunity is by subscription now. The first two shots destroyed your existing immune system. Now your immunity can only be granted or denied by the state.” elaborated Reh.
Society by Credit Score
Access to society is based on Social Credit Score. A big part of that score is your immune system status, which is by subscription. If people don’t comply with all the state dictates, access to society is canceled. In the short run, that means “No booster? No life.”
Hate is the Answer, Technocracy the Means
Most discerning observers know the ruling class hates the underclasses.
The point is to punish heretics and unbelievers. It is punitive only. The expert class and their lackeys despise people unlike themselves.
Tom Woods
But if hate is the reason, technocracy is the means. It’s been around since the 1930s, the theory perfected in the ’90s and fully launched in 2020. The Sodom Sun advises all people to investigate the claims of the Son of Man. Shortly after that, we strongly recommend picking up a book on technocracy.