A 20-foot-tall statue honoring frontline hospital workers was torn down in Latvia today. A doctor or nurse wearing pink crocs and a powder blue mask was painted in hateful slogans such as “Fire the Bitch“, and “Unvaxxed” before being toppled to the ground.
Erected only 16 months ago, the statue showed a nurse in a lab coat, mask, and gloves stretching toward the sky. Artist Aigars Bikše was inspired to create the sculpture by witnessing firsthand the heroic sacrifices made by health care workers to save their patients. But that was before the human trials for gene therapeutics began.
Rolled out to the public as a “vaccine,” thousands of nurses and doctors disagree. They’ve refused, in mass, to be made guinea pigs for an untested drug. For their refusal, they’ve gone from heroes to zeros in the eyes of the mob. That is, a small group of leftists touted by the corporate media as “the public.”
Science vs. Scientists
Uncritically accepting the marketing slogans of a drug company is what the mob calls “following the science.” Doctors say that’s not following the science, but a scientist. A scientist likely to be on a drug company’s payroll. Over 7,000 Doctors and Scientists who must indeed follow medical science to serve their patients cite grave concerns.
Soldiers to Replace Doctors & Nurses
Mr. Global’s response is to replace doctors and nurses with soldiers. In New York alone, replacing at least 72,000 frontline hospital workers who refuse to be “vaccinated” will help prove a cliché for a new generation: no situation is so bad that government intervention cannot make it worse.