The rhetorical skills of some of these parents are outstanding. They are highly educated, talented, successful and make a compelling case in less than two minutes.
The Elephant in the Room
These star-quality parents have the audience convinced the schoolboards are incompetent, immoral, and injuring the children in their care. Many people in the room or watching on youtube — perhaps even the school board itself — agree with the lecturing parent. But none dare speak about the elephant in the room.
Why aren’t these talented, successful, and highly persuasive parents educating their own children or finding better alternatives than government schools?
Schoolboards are Powerless
Government schools are 100% optional. And the boards running them have no power whatsoever other than what parents have given them. At any moment, parents may withdraw their children and educate them however they see fit.
Government Schools are Daycare Indoctrination Centers
Apart from the indoctrination centers these government schools have become, they’re little more than daycare. For toddlers, they’re closer to babysitting. Parents are 100% free to withdrawal their children from government schools. Therefore, as angry as some parents are, they must still prefer government schools to “educate” their children.
The Authority is Yours
Despite the beautiful high-backed chairs of board members, school boards have no authority other than that bestowed on them by the parents. Parents decide to have their children attend government schools. That decision imbues the board with the powers and responsibilities to educate the children. Parents who disapprove of government school behavior might consider withdrawing their consent.
While viewing the video below please remind yourself every three seconds that not one person in the video has any authority whatsoever other than the individual parents. Board members, state congressmen, commentators, etc. have only as much authority as they were given by the parents.
Homeschooling Expert Interview
The Sun turned to Homeschool expert Alison Monroe for answers.
Why are parents placing their children in the care of government schoolboards who behave and perform so poorly?
Parents think of government schools as free and the only option. They know their property taxes pay for government schools, but they don’t see any way out of paying those taxes. Therefore, to withdrawal their children and seek alternatives means paying twice. First through property taxes and again for whatever option they settle on.
Aren’t there more important factors at stake than money?
Of course, but money usually explains the behavior.
Many parents complain that they have jobs and must work to pay the bills.
Excellent, but one of the jobs a parent has is to educate their children.
But don’t good-paying jobs interfere with educating Children?
No, good-paying jobs are what fund education. Also, there are lovely private schools that are cost-effective.
What if parents can’t afford a good private school?
Hire a tutor.
What if parents can’t afford a tutor?
Homeschooling only takes an hour or so per day.
(Editors note: One of the parents in our blog post graphic is Matt Walsh who may be among the five million+ homeschooling parents in the U.S. We kept Mr. Walsh in our graphic out of respect for his excellent speech to a school board in Minneapolis.)
Isn’t that unrealistic?
By suggesting an excellent private school, hiring a tutor, or homeschooling? Not at all. Even the most time-consuming option of homeschooling requires spending an hour a day with your child. The remaining schoolwork can be done independently by the children.
What about parents who can’t afford a private school, a tutor, or to homeschool?
Get a better job or take them with you to the job you have.
What? Take them with me?
Roman fathers homeschooled their male children by taking them with them everywhere they went. Sun staff reporter Reh Bell takes this approach.
That sounds hard.
That’s what people who’ve never tried it always say. It may be hard, but it also may be the best educational option of them all!
What about parents who don’t feel competent to teach their children?
Look for a homeschooling parent who might teach small groups of children. If that doesn’t work…
Hire a Tutor?
Yes, hire a Tutor.
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You’ll be giving the Babylon Bee a run for their money with your most cleverly worded headlines! Well done!