Author: Sodom Sun

Many families have been dying to take a Disney cruise. Starting in 2022, parents and children must show proof of vaccination to make that dream come true. And if those pesky vax cards get lost, the Sun has been told that children collapsing on the gangway will be deemed fully vaccinated. Big Jabs for Big Ears Disney’s cruise line has become the first to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for children aged five and up. So if you want to walk through those big mouse ears and onto a Disney cruise ship, you better be all jabbed up. Health & Safety? Disney…

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After losing cognitive function behind the wheel, drivers are striking trees and veering into head-on collisions. What’s to prevent vaccidents from happening in the sky with hundreds of passengers on board? The camera doesn’t lie: post-jab behavior is not always pretty and may be fatal. We’ve seen videos of nurses, members of parliament, economic leaders, and small plane pilots plummeting to their deaths minutes after getting vaxxed. Just last week, Austrian MP Eva Holzleitner collapsed in the middle of a parliamentary session, explaining on Instagram she’d just been vaccinated. True to her father of lies, Eva concluded by gaslighting…

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Doctors who swear allegiance with the new Hippocratic oath may “blow dart” patients with impunity. Blowgun Delivery System Blowguns have a long history as a delivery system for bypassing patient resistance. Whether it be elephant-sized patients, fast-running cheetahs, or a bunch of Australians who jump away from needles like kangaroos, blowguns are the answer. First Do No Harm to Profitable Drugs The new 2021 oath asks physicians to “First do no harm to profitable drugs, eliminate personal biases, combat disinformation, improve health literacy, and serve minorities and other underserved groups in society.” In practice, this frees up our doctors to…

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